Are you currently experiencing a sense of overwhelm from the demands and activities of your everyday life?
Is there a longing to disconnect from the non-stop pace and simply exist in the present moment?

Whether you find yourself grappling with the exhausting effects of burnout, navigating through the challenges of grief and loss, desiring to delve deeper into your spiritual journey, or simply longing for a change of rhythm, Haven Home welcomes both individuals and groups who are seeking to pause and linger in rest.

“Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest, work, walk and watch how I do it, learn the unforced rhythms of grace.”

Matthew 11:28 (The Message) 

Rooted in the stream of the evangelical tradition, I am deeply committed to the Scriptures as God’s Holy Word. I offer spiritual direction that embraces the contemplative, holiness, and incarnation traditions. Additionally, I value mystery and holy curiosity. I seek truth, beauty and goodness in transformation that can unfold in the presence of grace. My hope is to create a hospitable and sheltering space for individuals wherever they are in their story; not where they pretend to be or wish to be.

My desire is to lean into the rhythm of Creator God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit’s movement, while keeping company with another, as they explore their relationship to God, themselves, and others. 

- Arlita


Areas of interest:
Trinitarian theology, Ignatian spirituality, iEnneagram harmony triad, relational spirituality, one on one spiritual direction, grief and sorrow, hope for relational restoration, guided retreats, women desiring to be seen, heard and belong.

Current Job Title:
Founder and Managing Director

The Red Dot Coffee Company